full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Amber Stuver: Einstein's twin paradox explained

Unscramble the Blue Letters

At her first one-year mark, Terra will send a psule of light from erath towards Stella’s spaceship. Since light takes a year to travel one light-year, its path will be a 45-degree diagonal line. And because Stella is traveling away from it, by the time the light catches up to her, over 7 ttoal years will have passed for Terra, and over 4 for Stella. By the time Stella observes Terra’s second burst, she will already be on her return journey. But now, since she’s moving towards the source of the light, it will take less time to reach her, and she’ll observe the brtsus more feqeturnly. This means that Stella ovbreses Terra aging slowly for the first half of her journey, but aging rapidly during the return half.

Open Cloze

At her first one-year mark, Terra will send a _____ of light from _____ towards Stella’s spaceship. Since light takes a year to travel one light-year, its path will be a 45-degree diagonal line. And because Stella is traveling away from it, by the time the light catches up to her, over 7 _____ years will have passed for Terra, and over 4 for Stella. By the time Stella observes Terra’s second burst, she will already be on her return journey. But now, since she’s moving towards the source of the light, it will take less time to reach her, and she’ll observe the ______ more __________. This means that Stella ________ Terra aging slowly for the first half of her journey, but aging rapidly during the return half.


  1. earth
  2. bursts
  3. total
  4. observes
  5. pulse
  6. frequently

Original Text

At her first one-year mark, Terra will send a pulse of light from Earth towards Stella’s spaceship. Since light takes a year to travel one light-year, its path will be a 45-degree diagonal line. And because Stella is traveling away from it, by the time the light catches up to her, over 7 total years will have passed for Terra, and over 4 for Stella. By the time Stella observes Terra’s second burst, she will already be on her return journey. But now, since she’s moving towards the source of the light, it will take less time to reach her, and she’ll observe the bursts more frequently. This means that Stella observes Terra aging slowly for the first half of her journey, but aging rapidly during the return half.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
stella observes 3
aging slowly 3
notice time 2
special relativity 2
reference frame 2
light burst 2
aging rapidly 2
light bursts 2
terra observes 2
stella aging 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
stella aging slowly 2

Important Words

  1. aging
  2. burst
  3. bursts
  4. catches
  5. diagonal
  6. earth
  7. frequently
  8. journey
  9. light
  10. line
  11. mark
  12. means
  13. moving
  14. observe
  15. observes
  16. passed
  17. path
  18. pulse
  19. rapidly
  20. reach
  21. return
  22. send
  23. slowly
  24. source
  25. spaceship
  26. stella
  27. takes
  28. terra
  29. time
  30. total
  31. travel
  32. traveling
  33. year
  34. years